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Cuba is generally a very safe country to visit; in fact it's one of the safest destinations in all of the Americas, the crime rate is very low. Tourism is very important to Cuba's economy so strict and prominent policing and guarding make the streets and hotels places where tourists usually feel safe. But "safe" doesn't mean 100% crime-free so you should still use common sense, and pay attention to your belongings, as you would do at home or in any other country.

Every all-inclusive resort in Holguin provide an in-room safety deposit box to store your important documents (passport, tourist card, airline tickets), cash, electronics, jewelry, etc. They usually have a digital keypad and you have to choose your own 4-digit code. USEFUL TIP: After setting your code, do first a locking/unlocking test with the door open to make sure it works well.

Each resort have uniformed security personnel, 24/7. Most hotels also have fire alarms and fire extinguishers, and safety programs and procedures are in place. But safety may lack in some adventure tours or activities so it's important for travelers to use good judgement.

Most crimes in Cuba are neither confrontational nor physically-threatening, such as: purse-snatching, pickpocketing, solicitation, and prostitution. Violent crimes against tourists are rare and they are very severely punished.

Here are some the most frequently reported dangers or annoyances in Holguin's resort areas:

Most often for the sale of cigars or rum, a homestay meal (paladar), taxi service or guide service. Solicitors (locally called jineritos) are generally friendly, polite, and never physically or verbally abusive. Their help can be helpful, but sometimes their persistence may become annoying, or the "service" offered may seem to be a tourist trap or even a scam. If you are not interested, refuse politely but firmly and just walk away.
But don't worry, the vast majority of Cubans are friendly, honest and helpful, and look forward to meeting tourists and helping out with no interest for their money.

Electrical outlet confusion:
The electric current is 220 volts in the majority of newer hotels, but often 110 volts in the smaller or older hotels. Electrical outlets are unfortunately not always labeled. To avoid damaging your devices, validate the voltage with the Reception of your hotel. See our Electricity section for more details on electrical outlets, converters, transformers, adapters, etc.

Most often items left unattended on the beach.

Red flags on the beach:
Although the sea is usually quite calm in Holguin, it can sometimes be more dangerous due to higher surf, strong currents or undertow, especially during bad weather (strong winds, tropical storm or hurricane). Green Flag: Low hazard, calm condition; Yellow Flag: medium hazard, moderate surf and current; Red Flag: High hazard, strong surf and/or currents.

Pickpocketing and purse-snatching:
They rarely occur near beach resorts, but it can happen during excursions, especially in downtown areas and busy places, or during fiestas and festivals.

Counterfeit cigars:
Cigars sold on the street or beach usually are counterfeit, even if they have the label and packaging of a well-known brand. The seller would most likely tell you that they are genuine because they were taken from someone they know who work at this cigar factory, it's never true. It doesn't mean though they're bad cigars or they aren't a great deal, but simply that they are fake. We suggest buying one to test before buying a full box, some may be good, but others may be of very poor quality.

Overweight baggage charges:
In Cuban airports, some check-in agents may try to make you believe that your checked baggage is overweight, charge you the excess fee, and then keep the money for themselves. If you're quite certain that your baggage don't exceed the allocated limit, ask to speak to a supervisor, chances are the agent will quickly apologize saying that it was a mistake.

Theft in checked baggage at the airport:
Theft of items from checked baggage by airport employees has been reported, although rarely. Don't pack valuables or small electronics in your checked baggage. What we usually do is to put a "tie-wrap" on our suitcase zippers, of course they can cut it if they really want to open the suitcase, but chances are they might simply switch to another suitcase easier and faster to open.

Shortages and service disruptions:

Power outages occur fairly regularly. Resorts are often equipped with generators and resources to maintain service. On the other hand, independent travelers may find it difficult to obtain services during a power outage.
Occasional shortages of goods, including gasoline and food products, are common throughout the country, they have sometimes led to a reduction in transportation services and long line-ups at grocery stores, gas stations and pharmacies.

Lily & Normand
© holguincuba.net
© destilino.com

Cayo largo, Cuba Varadero, Cuba Cayo Coco, Cuba Cayo Santa Maria, Cuba