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How to get to Holguin - BY BUS

Viazul Bus in CubaA bus terminal (Terminal de Omnibus) can be found in all major cities, some airports, and several tourist areas. The most recommended national bus line is VIAZUL. They have a fleet of modern air-conditioned buses equipped with reclining seats, toilet and a video system. They are manned by two professionals, the driver and the ticket/baggage handler.

From almost anywhere you are in Cuba you'll easily find a way to get to Holguin City with the VIAZUL buses.

Holguin City bus station is located at the following address: Carretera Central No. 19 e/ 20 de Mayo e Independencia, Holguin (Phone: +53 24 42 6822). They don't have a bus station at the airport. The Holguin Frank Pais Airport is 13 km from the Viazul bus station in downtown Holguin.

Viazul buses don't go to Guardalavaca (or any other close-by town), so from Holguin City you'll then have to take a taxi or rent a car if your final destination is one of the seaside resort on the northern coast.

You can book tickets in advance through their website (www.viazul.wetransp.com) or by phone; or at a Viazul kiosk at the bus stations. Tickets are payable on-site in USD (Cuban Convertible Pesos); online ticket purchases are charged in $USD.

Please visit the VIAZUL website, www.viazul.wetransp.com, for up-to-date itineraries and ticket prices.

Getting there by PLANE         Getting there by CAR

Lily & Normand
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Cayo largo, Cuba Varadero, Cuba Cayo Coco, Cuba Cayo Santa Maria, Cuba